A mosaic of a country scene

This mosaic depicts aspects of the Kingdom of God as Jesus taught in his parables. Before we know Jesus we are outside the kingdom, shown by the fence. There is only one way in which is through the gate, which is Jesus himself. The latch is a cross, where Jesus payment for our sins made our entry possible. We then enter on the narrow path which leads to life, abundant in this world, and ultimately eternal as shown by the heavenly city.
While we travel this path we can experience the goodness of the kingdom of God, which is our inheritance and hope.
Along the path we find;
Chocolate lilies of the valley symbolise God’s provision as we seek His kingdom first (Matt 6)
The lost sheep – our preciousness to God. He leaves the 99 (on the hill) to find us.
The buried treasure and pearl of great price; the preciousness of the Kingdom to us.
The tree with birds resting ; this is a large tree grown from a mustard see representing the power of faith in the kingdom. Faith produces fruitfulness.
The seeds sown on the path, among rocks, among thorns and in the lowed field. Fruitfulness in the kingdom happens when we prepare our hearts to receive God’s word.
The withered fig tree; unfruitfulness results from not tending what God has given us.
The vineyard; Jesus is the vine, we are the branches, apart from Him we can do nothing.
The city on the hill; heaven our final destination, but also reminds us that we are to be a city on a hill whose light shines out for all to see.